Plan Your Workouts

Do you ever dread working out?

If you’re anything like me, the answer is probably yes.

Working out is, by far, the number one way that I reach my maximum fitness.

But while it’s great to know that working out will get you in shape and help you feel great, it’s not always easy.

Maximizing your fitness is a lot more than just working out hard and long. It involves planning your workouts in such a way that they’re as enjoyable as they are effective.

In this article, we’ll take you through some of the main key factors that go into making the most of your workout routine.

Track Your Progress


One of the best ways to make sure you’re  progressing as you work out is to track your progress online.

This not only lets you know how you’re doing but also allows you to see how your goals relate to setting and achieving fitness goals.

There are plenty of fitness trackers out there, so choose the one that best fits your needs.

These track a variety of things, including distance, calories burned, time, heart rate, and more.

Make sure you log your workouts so that you can see what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong.


Plan Your Workouts


Once you’ve tracked your progress, it’s time to plan your workouts.

While it’s true that any workout can be effective as part of a larger, more balanced routine, some workouts are best as stand-alone workouts.

This is because you’re likely to notice the biggest improvements when working out on your own.

This is especially true for people who struggle with finding the time to work out consistently.


Eat Right For Your Age


One of the best ways to make working out enjoyable as well as effective is to follow a nutritional plan that is tailored to your age.

For example, some people in their 60s and 70s may find that they require a little bit of guidance to reach their maximum fitness goals.

On the other hand, people in their 40s and 50s may not have hit their peak fitness yet and may therefore be best served by a general fitness plan that includes lots of low-intensity exercises like the walk or push-ups.



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